Thursday, March 11, 2010

A Gorgeous Garden Storybook

This week at the library, we happened to pick up this lovely little book, and I am smitten. How Groundhog's Garden Grew is a captivating story about how Groundhog learns how to grow his own food instead of mooching off his neighbor's gardens. We follow Groundhog all through the seasons, from collecting seed in the fall, to preparing the soil and planting seeds in the spring... all the way to his feast of sharing at Thanksgiving. The book is lovingly illustrated, with a great attention to detail and gardening accuracy. Children learn the whole process of growing and harvesting food, without ever feeling like they're reading a how-to book.

If you want to help your children learn where their food comes from, and especially if you're planning a garden this year, this would be a charming addition to your bookshelf.

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