Sunday, April 4, 2010


It is Easter afternoon, and I'm going through the photos we've taken in the past few days and just feeling so incredibly blessed. Healthy children, beautiful weather, delicious food, and time to enjoy it all.

Here are some glimpses of our Easter preparations and celebrations. I hope everyone is having a joyful day, whatever you are celebrating on this fine Spring day.

Improvised egg-drying rack

Polka-dot pysanky

Ukrainian egg dyes are the best

Five-year-old's pysanky

Wheatgrass in eggshells

Wheatgrass-filled Easter basket

Easter centerpiece with wheatgrass

Egg hiding on raised bed

Wheatgrass-filled Easter basket in action

Exciting things afoot with the kitchen garden, so stay tuned tomorrow!


  1. Wonderful pictures of a wonderful time! Thanks!

  2. Oh, I want to come live at your house...
    can I???

  3. Aww... looks like a wonderful Easter celebration! So many pretty Easter decorations! :) Love your shots!

  4. Wonderful project! Love the shot with the jars!

  5. Oh, so fun. And I love wheatgrass and what you can do with it! Thanks for linking up to RE. And can't wait to see what's up in your garden? :)

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